With all the new Apple features for Maps, you can now search for transit routes for your city. Now you don’t need to take your car to drive through the city, you can check for the transit routes which will even show you the stops for specific lines. If you don’t know you to find this, don’t worry! We have your back. Here is how to find the best transit route in iPhone Maps directions.

Highlight stops for a specific transit line in iPhone Maps directions

If you are new to a city and don’t know much about the routes and stops for the transit lines, then Maps can help you. You can check the stops for a transit line to get a better idea for reaching your destination in iPhone Maps directions. Here is how you can highlight the stops:

Highlight stops for a specific transit line in iPhone Maps directions
Highlight stops for a specific transit line in iPhone Maps directions

Highlight stops for a specific transit line in iPhone Maps directions

Check the reviews from other people about a particular stop

If you are new to a city, going on public transportation might sometimes feel unsafe. The new feature of Apple Maps is here to help you. You can now see what other people think about the stop you are headed to. People can leave a review with a picture of the stop and you can check them out in iPhone Maps directions.

See what others are saying about a particular stop- Find the best transit route in Apple Maps
See what others are saying about a particular stop- Find the best transit route in Apple Maps

Filter transit directions by type in iPhone Maps directions

If you are not regular, travelling on a bus might seem out of your league. But major cities have many transit routes for you to choose from. So you can easily opt for the routes you are more familiar with. Here is how you can filter transit directions by type in iPhone Maps directions:

Filter transit directions by type in iPhone Maps directions


With Apple launching new features on maps, it’s now easier to travel in public transport in an unknown city. You can check the transit routes as well as the stops on that route. If you click on one of the stops, you can see further information about the stop. If you feel unsure or unsafe about that stop, you can even check the reviews and photos that other people have left. You can check for other transit routes from that stop too. Moreover, you can even filter your search with the type of vehicle route you prefer.

If you have questions, you can ask us in the comments section below.

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