The Sonic Origin video game collection contains the four initial Sonic the Hedgehog series entries. Sega released it, and Headcannon and Sega jointly worked on its development. A global release was planned for June 23, 2022. To celebrate the Sonic franchise’s 30th anniversary, with versions for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
After the debut of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie in 2020, Takashi Iizuka, the president of the Sonic Team. Sought to resurrect the classic Sonic titles on more recent technology, which is why Sonic Origins was created. In addition to the original format, a widescreen version of the game is also available. Sonic Origins also offers new missions and game types, allowing players to access additional content. Besides the standard game edition, the Deluxe digital edition included additional content.
What will you see

The Sonic Origins games use traditional platforming gameplay that was popular in the 1990s. You will leap, fly, or claw your way through vibrant, roomy levels as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles while dodging foes and traps. Additionally, each entry features unique mini-games and sub-objectives that increase the already wide diversity.
Playing old-school 2D Sonic games today is just as enjoyable as 30 years ago. Even for someone who routinely plays older Sonic Mania games. There is nothing quite like playing them in their original configurations, although with some recent additions.

The narratives of early Sonic the Hedgehog games are pretty simple. To rule the world, the wicked Doctor Robotnik (also known as Doctor Eggman) hunts after the powerful Chaos Emeralds. The quick Sonic the Hedgehog must stop Robotnik and save the day with the help of his buddies.
Sonic Origins’ opening and outro animation segments tangibly bind the “stories” of each Game together. You’ll enjoy how the cutscenes leave out unnecessary elements like speech and narrative cohesiveness in favor of quick snippets. In other games, You’ll be annoyed by a lack of story. But since it’s Sonic, You won’t mind the brief intros and outros.
Anniversary Mode
Anniversary Mode is a feature that offers a complete 16:9 aspect ratio so that gamers may experience the gameplay of Sonic Origins games freshly. Moreover, this mode also removes the life system and time restrictions so players can continue playing without worrying about Continues, Time Overs, or Game Overs. Whenever a player unlocks a 1-Up Item Box or collects 100 Rings in the anniversary mode, the player will receive a Coin. Interestingly, Anniversary Mode has also switched out the 1-Up Item Boxes with Item Boxes that award Coins.
Classic Mode
Players may experience Sonic Origins games’ gameplay in their original iterations with the help of the Game’s old challenges in Classic Mode. With a 4:3 aspect ratio and original screen size, this mode contains the traditional finite life system, a ten-minute timer, and Game Over gameplay. Although the edges of the screen in this mode are by default black, letterbox borders that are accessible through DLCs can be used to beautify them.
Boss Rush
When a boss is defeated in Boss Rush, the player quickly moves on to the next battle after entering the area where the boss’s arena is located. The Game will provide the player with 25 Coins and record their best precise time if they successfully finish a Boss Rush for that particular Game. Additionally, the player only has three lives to spend on each gauntlet. Additionally, the player will only receive Rings for enduring damage before a limited number of boss bouts.
Mirror Mode
It is a new feature in the games that flips the Zones from left to right without affecting the layout. Allowing the player to complete the levels in the other manner by traveling to the left rather than the right. The mode’s other characteristics are identical to those in Anniversary Mode. After completing either Classic Mode, Anniversary Mode, or Story Mode, this mode can be unlocked. It can also be acquired from the beginning with the Start Dash DLC.
Story Mode
The “Mission” menu in Sonic Origins contains a new option called Story Mode. Here, the player plays through all four Sonic games in Sonic Origins consecutively and in reverse chronological sequence, with Sonic the Hedgehog CD coming after Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) and before Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (16-bit).
Mission Mode
The player may participate in sixty additional solo tasks in Acts spread throughout each of the four games in the optional Mission Mode. The actual missions occur within chosen Acts from each Game’s levels. However, they have extra layout-changing components added to them. They require the player to do specific tasks listed in the Mission menu, such as gathering a target number of Rings in a set time or reaching the destination without encountering opponents.
Where “S” is the highest rank, followed by “A,” “B,” and “C,” this mode likewise uses the Rank system to rate the player’s performance. For each Mission depending on how quickly they completed a Mission within the allocated time or the Rings, they were able to earn. The difficulty of the mission is based on the number of stars it has. The higher the number of stars, the more complex the Mission will be. By completing the Missions above, players can gain Coins, new missions award more Coins, and the payout for each Rank increases as the Mission’s difficulty increases.
Visuals and Sound

One may argue that Sonic Origins’ rendition of these classic games is the best. This is all down to Whitehead and the staff at Headcannon, who did an excellent job adapting these classic titles for contemporary displays. Though, This calls for the old sprites to be cleaned up and the games to be presented in a 16:9 aspect ratio without extending the picture.
A major plus is the animated intros and outros. They remind us of the Sonic CD animation sequences. They have great visual appeal and are entertaining to watch again. Due to alleged licensing concerns with the music. Sonic 3 wasn’t included in the Sega Genesis Mini or the Sega Genesis Classics compilation.
The music in this album is fantastic, except for the Sonic 3 soundtrack drama. Classic songs from Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic 2 include Chemical Plant and Green Hill Zone. However, this compilation is a tribute to the excellence of vintage video game music and old Sonic soundtracks.
Release & Price

On May 27, 2021, the Sonic franchise celebrated its 30th anniversary, On June 23, 2022, the series’ 31st anniversary. Sonic Origins was published on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Sega removed the pre-existing games’ pre-existing versions from most digital shops before their release. The action drew criticism based on video game preservation and blocking customers from selecting their favorite versions. It was likened to Rockstar Games’ decision to remove Grand Theft Auto titles from their catalog before the publication of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition (2021). This move was later overturned in response to criticism.
Sonic Origin’s price is $39.99 in the USA & £32.99 in the UK. It is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. And you can purchase it from
How much does Sonic Origins cost?
Sonic Origins’ Standard Edition contains the main game. While the Deluxe Edition also comes with the Premium Fun Pack and Classic Music Pack. The Standard Edition of Sonic Origins will cost $39.99. While the Deluxe Edition will cost you $44.99, according to the Game’s official PlayStation Store page.
Is Sonic Origins a 2-player Game?
Sonic is the only prominent character in both the original and the remastered editions of Sonic Origins. Connect a second controller and choose a two-player mode to play Sonic Origins as a two-player game. The second player may follow Sonic and use Tails to hunt down and eliminate foes.
Will Sonic Origins be on mobile?
The Game will only be accessible as a digital download for the time being. There are no imminent plans to release it physically. Unfortunately, Sonic Origins won’t be made available for mobile platforms. Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Steam, and the Epic Game Store will all get Sonic Origins.
What comes in Sonic Origins?
The beloved 2D Sonic games from the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive platform, Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD, are brought back in Sonic Origins. This entirely new multi-game collection has been digitally restored for the latest-generation systems.
Sonic Origins is an excellent choice for anyone who has never played any 2D Sonic games or wants a strong dose of nostalgia. If you were a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, you’d have mixed feelings about Sonic Origins. On the one hand, You’ll like how simple it is to play gorgeously updated editions of your favorite vintage Sonic games. You’ll appreciate how Anniversary mode offers you endless lives and love the new animated sequences. Museum Mode’s unlocked material is a lot of fun, along with all the other unique ways. The fact that these games take you back to a period when playing them made you feel awestruck may be an essential factor.