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Lavazza Deséa – A Quiet & Sleek Looking Coffee Machine!

Lavazza is one of the most well-known coffee brands, and the Italian company has released a new pod coffee maker for your home or office. It’s really quiet and packed with ingenious technology, so here’s the Lavazza Deséa review.

Since Luigi Lavazza started his first coffee shop in Turin in 1895, selling loose blends from across the world, Lavazza has come a long way. After inventing a two-paper coffee packaging method to let homes buy and store bigger amounts of coffee to enjoy at home, Lavazza continues to develop packaging throughout the years, spreading out to espresso equipment and more along the way.

It is still a major player in the coffee market today, with Lavazza equipment and coffee being popular in the hospitality industry, companies, and homes alike. Lavazza, like many other coffee companies, provides a variety of coffee pod machines as a practical substitute for manual espresso machines or costly piped equipment.

Coffee capsule machines are a popular option for coffee aficionados searching for a simple, economical, and dependable method to experience barista-style favorites at the push of a button. They eliminate the need to grind beans or bother with pressure, temperature, or weight – and save on clean-up.

Lavazza Deséa – Price & Availability

Lavazza Deséa

There are less expensive pod coffee machines available for £199, but they are unlikely to offer the same degree of functionality and possibilities as the Deséa.

It falls between the Nescafe Dolce Gusto Infinissima and the Nespresso Expert and Milk. As a result, you may spend more money on a pod machine. It’s available via John Lewis.

Lavazza sells capsules that are compatible with all of its Modo Mio machines, with each pod costing roughly 27p.

Design & Build

Lavazza Deséa - A Quiet & Sleek Looking Coffee Machine!

The Lavazza deséa has a small, streamlined form that will fit nicely on most worktops; its profile is narrow and slender, but it is rather deep, with the water tank positioned at the rear, so keep this in mind when deciding where to place it in your kitchen. The glossy off-white color contrasts nicely with the matte black of the rest of the laptop. However, the black and brown colorways are equally appealing.

The Deséa, as opposed to the Expert and Milk, is quite slender and deep. It’s only 145mm broad, so it could fit in your kitchen.

The cylindrical water tank lies on the bank and is simple to remove and refill. The top has a massive metal handle that is used to unlock the capsule slot. It has a really nice weight and movement.

Of course, the action takes place up front, and things appear to be a little complicated with all the light-up buttons. These are touch-sensitive, which feels contemporary but might be difficult to use, particularly if your hands are wet.

The last two design components to mention are the adjustable plate/drip tray, which allows you to regulate how far the coffee spills if you’re using a smaller mug. The utilized capsule draw is located behind this, and you’ll be notified when it’s full when the pod symbol illuminates.

Features & Performance

Lavazza Deséa

The deséa’s main selling point for us is its milk-frothing feature, which is not standard on most capsule makers. At the press of a button, you may prepare a cappuccino, latte, or macchiato, also hot or cold frothed milk to add to your coffee, using the milk of your choosing.

The Deséa is part of the A Modo Mio family, therefore you’re investing in this particular pod system, similar to Nespresso. The cost depends on the type of coffee you desire and how many pods you buy at once. If you buy in enough, they might work out to be 19p apiece.

While other capsule coffee machines are as easy as inserting a pod and pressing a button, the Deséa is significantly more sophisticated. This is one of the primary reasons to purchase it, as not everyone enjoys the same coffee. Even if you do, your guests may not.


The ‘One Touch Barista interface’ on the Deséa consists of two primary sets of controllers. The circle on the left represents the coffee kind, and you may choose between espresso, long espresso, long coffee, and free pour. The opposing circle is for frothed milk coffee. Cappuccino, big cappuccino, macchiato, and hot/cold whipped milk are available here.

Once your pod has arrived, you only need to select the kind you want. Choosing a milk choice entails first pouring the appropriate amount of milk into a glass, and the accompanying glass jug includes lines to show how much to use.

A unique cover fits on top and clamps into the machine, allowing the milk to be prepared using a beater and a steam wand. Lavazza claims to employ a proprietary foaming technology, which we have to admit works incredibly effectively and consistently.

It’s also possible to modify the size/length of the coffees if the default settings don’t suit you. However, this is not feasible for beverages containing milk.

Quiet Operation

Lavazza is particularly proud of the deséa’s quiet operation, claiming that its “top-class silent operation” is the most subtle in its category and will never surpass 43dB; excellent for shared houses or busy offices.

Can you use any pods in a Lavazza Deséa machine?

Lavazza Blue pods work with all Lavazza Blue machines. Modo Mio pods work with Modo Rio machines, and Mile Cafe Barista works with the Mile Cafe Barista coffee machine. Nescafe coffee pods are only functional with a limited number of Nescafe machines.

What are the different Lavazza coffee pods?

Choose from our many mixes, including Qualità Rossa, Passionale, Tierra, and other A Modo Mio capsules. Each single-use Lavazza coffee capsule is biodegradable and includes up to 7.5 grams of ground coffee. It is also vacuum-packed to preserve the freshness and quality of the coffee.


If you’re looking for a capsule coffee maker that can do more than simply produce one sort of coffee, we recommend the Lavazza Deséa.

It is not the cheapest option, but it performs more work for you than the Nespresso Expert & Milk at a lesser price.

The machine looks fantastic and has a high build quality. It takes some time to get used to all of the many buttons and options, but that is the nature of a machine that can make a variety of beverages.

The deséa gets bonus points for being quiet, convenient, and stylish; it’s a great-value product that provides scorching hot Italian-inspired coffee at the press of a button. What is there not to like?

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