You’re not alone in thinking that MP3 players are a relic of the past. However, the greatest MP3 players available are a significant leap over the portable music player you may have in the early 2000s.
That isn’t to say that MP3 players aren’t still popular. Music streaming services have simplified things more than ever to listen to music on the move. Moreover, our smartphones can now store massive numbers of tunes, albums, and podcasts. MP3 players, on the other hand, are far from outdated and remain a terrific option for certain individuals.
Perhaps you don’t want to constantly use your phone. Alternatively, you may choose to conserve your mobile data and battery when out and about. Whatever the case may be, today’s leading MP3 players can store your music library at a considerably greater bitrate . When you combine one of these devices with the finest headphones, you’ll have high-quality music with you everywhere you go.
They’re continually improving on quality thanks to new advances in audio engineering. This includes features like hi-res audio compatibility and built-in DACs becoming widespread. Its design has now been upgraded as well as its performance.
What you will see here?
Astell & Kern A&norma SR25

With a current performance mode, Bluetooth LDAC wireless connectivity, and support for balanced audio connections, the Astell & Kern A&norma SR25 is an amazing MP3 player that makes your hi-res audio files truly scream.
It definitely looks the part, with its unusual, off-center design and aluminum shell, and its touch screen is bright and simple to operate.
The Dual Cirrus Logic CS43198 Master Hi-Fi level DAC in the SR25 will be enough to please even the most demanding audiophiles, whereas native support for DSD256 and 32-bit/384kHz music is more than enough to please even the most demanding audiophiles.
Wi-Fi connectivity gives you access to streaming services like Tidal and Deezer, while Bluetooth aptX ensures that wireless headphones sound as good as wired connections.
Apple iPod Touch latest model

The newest iPod supports the FLAC and Apple Lossless codecs, offering you wider options than ever before for listening to high-quality music.
It won’t help you listen to Hi-Res audio, but if you simply want some background music while gaming and can’t be bothered to pull out your headphones, it’ll suffice. The iPod Touch is a great choice if you want a fresh MP3 player and don’t mind utilizing Apple Music.
Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T

The A&ultima SP2000T from Astell & Kern is the greatest portable music player available. Yes, it’s pricey, but if you’re looking for a great digital audio experience being out and about, go no further. The SP2000T has a fantastic sound.
Two amplifier stages provide seven unique possibilities, while two channels of audio information are handled by four DACs. The SP2000T is indifferent about the amount or kind of digital audio files, and it will gladly power whatever headphones you name.
The user interface is simple and quick to respond to. The player itself is sculpted rather than built, and it’s too big to go into your pants pocket. Also, the battery life is only half-decent as well.
Onkyo DP-X1A MP3 player

The Onkyo DP-X1A isn’t the smallest gadget on this list, but we believe it’s the greatest MP3 player money can buy, with plenty of customization options, an easy-to-use UI, and great sound.
The DP-X1A resembles a phone but is somewhat bulkier, with two audio ports, one balanced output, and one headphone jack for people seeking cleaner, higher-quality music. For those with a large music collection, the gadget includes two microSD card ports, physical playback buttons, and a volume wheel.
The player runs a full version of Android 5.1, including features like Wi-Fi connectivity and access to the Google Play Store, making it an Android equivalent of the iPod Touch. The Onkyo DP-X1A is designed for the best quality audio.
It’s an absolute dream in terms of sound quality. It works with a variety of audio formats, including ALAC, OGG, MP3, WAV, FLAC, and others. The gadget includes 2 chipsets in terms of hardware, one of those to power the whole device and the other to manage the DAC and amplifier, leading to a noise-free experience.
Astell & Kern AK Jr MP3 player

The Astell & Kern AK Jr is the greatest mid-range MP3 player on the market, and it can compete with the most costly players on the list.
There’s 64GB of inbuilt storage, as well as a MicroSD card slot for expansion. Also, it supports a variety of audio formats, including FLAC, AAC, MP3, AIFF, WAV, and others, with sample rates up to 192kHz.
The user interface is simple to use. Using the touchscreen, scroll through the selections and choose the song you wish to listen to. It could be quicker, but if you get used to it, you won’t notice. The battery life is roughly nine hours, which isn’t great but not bad.
The music is lively and sharp, with a pleasing and powerful tone. When combined with a good set of headphones, they have a vast soundstage – that is, the left and right channels are well defined, and instruments in the middle of a mix have plenty of breathing room.
SanDisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player

This MP3 player is the finest alternative for working out because it is tiny and light. It only has 16GB of storage, which isn’t much in contrast to a phone, but it can still carry a lot of music. It supports a broad range of audio formats, such as MP3, WMA, FLAC, WAV, and AAC, while being designed for sports.
Battery life is remarkable, clocking in at around 20 hours. You also get Bluetooth, which is useful for exercising because it eliminates the need for wires.
The user interface is too old lacks the capabilities of a smartphone, and is not touch-sensitive. However, using the hardware buttons that act as playback controls, it’s simple to navigate.
As far as you don’t anticipate audiophile-level quality, you’ll be pleased with the sound. It is slightly muddy with a minor drop in clarity, but that won’t bother most people – especially while running or going to the gym.
Whether or whether you should purchase an MP3 player is determined by the purpose for which it will be used. If you want to relax without being glued to your smartphone, checking social media, or accepting business calls, an MP3 player may be a terrific way to listen to music while still being cut off from all of your smartphone and a lot of the world’s distractions.
Some people choose to exercise while listening to MP3 players rather than carrying their phones. Whether it’s to avoid unwanted calls and texts or to keep their device safe.
MP3 devices aren’t for everyone; most people like to have all of their music inside their phones, however, there are a number of reasons why an MP3 player is a good option for others.