Pokémon Go is teeming with strange and unique animals of all shapes and sizes, but none can genuinely soar to the heights that flying Pokémon can; they soar above us all for a good cause. Having one of these magnificent creatures on your squad is always helpful.
Flying-type Pokemon may have more potent than any other kind, including legendary, mythical, and starter Pokemon. Legendaries with massive weight, the capacity to deal enormous damage, or both include Lugia, Ho-oh, and Rayquaza. Many Flying-type Pokemon have better stats and access to the most significant moves, whether in the main series games or Pokemon GO.
To assist you in finding the most incredible flying Pokémon in Pokemon Go, we’ve created this guide. Some items on this list are simple to obtain, but others need perseverance, good fortune, and a lot of Pokeballs.
What Will You See Here?

Therian Landorus, which debuted in Generation V, is at the top of our ranking of the best Flying-type Pokémon. It was only released in April 2021, making it one of the game’s most recent Pokémon. When it reaches level 50, Landorus-Therian, with a maximum CP of 4,434, will undoubtedly be among the most powerful pocket monsters in Pokémon Go. It is both a Ground and Flying-type, distinguishing it from other Flying Pokémon and rendering it immune to Electric-type attacks.
You might anticipate difficulty in capturing Landorus-Therian because it is a Legendary Pokémon. But it’s not entirely impossible to catch, either. It would be advantageous if you took water and ice Pokémon, as Landorus-Therian is weak to them. After you win a Raid Battle against a Therian Forme Landorus, you can capture it. Additionally, you may have it for special occasions.

Ho-oh is a legendary pokémon with great power. Ho-Oh is a Pokémon that is incredibly versatile and may be utilized as an attacker or a defense. He is a fire and flying type. It is particularly susceptible to rock-type assaults and electric and water-type ones. However, it got resistant to ground attacks, combat, steel, fire, and fairy types, particularly to assaults of the bug and grass types.
Particularly potent is Apex Shadow Ho-oh. It can only be found in raid fights, much as other legendary Pokemon. If you have gone to the Go Tour: Johto event, you can discover Ho-oh in Shadow or even Apex Shadow form.
Mega Pidgeot

The ideal Flying-type Pokémon to use in combat is Mega Pidgeot. Due to the prevalence of its pre-evolution in the Wild, the first-generation Pokémon Pidgeot is one of the more approachable choices on our list. The focus of Mega Pidgeot’s stats is damage. In addition to its superior base numbers, Pidgeot has additional resistance to Pokémon of the Ghost and Ground types. These matches favor Pidgeot greatly because the enemy’s attacks only deliver 39.1 percent damage.
The ideal Pokémon of the Flying type is Mega Pidgeot. Gust and Brave Bird are the most effective moves for Mega Pidgeot. The most damage output will be provided by this combo, giving the player an advantage in neutral-type matches or the ability to dispatch weak adversaries quickly. This Pokémon is the one to choose if you’re looking for something that can serve just that one function, but remember that Mega Evolved states are only momentary.
Shadow Moltres

In Pokemon Go, the legendary Pokemon Moltres has evolved into Shadow Moltres. Shadow Moltres is one of the most excellent Shadows in the game and one of the best Pokemon overall. It faces little to no competition and easily tops Fire and Flying DPS charts. Since Niantic made Shadow Pokemon available, they have been quite popular since they give several Pokemon incredibly potent abilities. While many other creatures benefited greatly by taking on their Shadow form, Shadow Moltres may have benefited the most. The Shadow form’s attack stat has been upgraded to roughly 300, and when coupled with Flamethrower, Sky Attack offers excellent coverage.

Another great legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go is Rayquaza. It is one of the game’s most challenging enemies to beat and has one of the highest Attack stats. For even greater strength, it has a Mega Evolution as well. Since Rayquaza is a dragon-type force of nature with the bonus of being able to fly, it is no surprise that it can deal severe damage and trap enemies in a fierce storm.
It can be obtained via five-star raid fights. However, the variety of Pokémon accessible in raids varies often, so be careful to double-check whether or not it is now accessible before searching for it. Also, The ideal opponent for Rayquaza would be Mega Abomasnow. Or having a squad of Jynxes might be pretty helpful if you’ve caught a bunch of them.

The legendary Generation II Pokémon Lugia belongs to the flying type. Despite being legendary, Lugia’s unbalanced basic stats prevented it from surpassing other Pokémon already included on this list. In contrast to its assault rating, it has an extremely high defensive rating. There is probably no trainer who can discover a Pokemon that can match Lugia’s defensive prowess since it has a staggering 310 Defense and 235 Stamina. The 180-base power move Aeroblast is also available to the Pokemon Silver mascot.
Lugia does not transform into or from another Pokémon. As a result, you will need to plan and bring more trainers. It’s also challenging to capture during Legendary Raids because it’s a Legendary Pokémon. Make sure to battle with high CP Dark, Electric, Ghost, Rock, or Ice-type Pokémon. Stock up on Golden Razz Berries as well, don’t forget.

Yveltal isn’t the most powerful or bulkiest Pokemon on this list. But since it combines these two attributes well, it is superior to other products. Although Yveltal has a respectable 250 Attack, she can maintain her health for long enough to deal a tonne of damage thanks to her 246 Stamina. It has access to Gust, a fast move with 25 base power that does Yveltal superficial damage. Dark and Flying also provide excellent coverage, which few Pokemon can resist.

With Salamence making our list, Dragon Flying-Type Pokémon again demonstrate their superiority. When considering Salamence’s Draco Meteor, a charged attack, experts in Pokémon Go even believe it can rival or outperform Dragonite or Rayquaza. However, since Ice-type attacks harm a Salamence the most, you must watch out for them.
To get a Salamence, you must first catch a Bagon, a very unusual spawn in Pokémon Go. Once you’ve captured one, feeding it, 25 candies will cause it to develop into a Shelgon. With 100 Candies, a Shelgon can then develop into a Salamence. The only method to obtain a Salamence is via developing a Bagon, its base form, as neither Salamence nor Shelgon can be found in the Wild. A Bagon is typically seen in windy areas, well-known places, or neighborhood gatherings.
Which is the biggest Flying type Pokemon?
Mega Rayquaza is the most giant/Tallest flying Pokemon in Pokemon Go. He is one of the Strongest Dragon types of Pokemon out there. And he is worth it; No pokemon comes near Mega Rayquaza in terms of Stats. The lifespan of Rayquaza is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of years. Legends still exist of how it ended the conflict between Groudon and Kyogre.
Who is the first legendary Pokemon?
Ho-Oh, who appeared after the series’ first episode, was the first Legendary Pokémon to appear in the anime. Since it is endemic to Johto, neither its formal announcement nor its identification in the episode was made at the time.
What Are Flying Type Pokemon Weak Against?
Attacks of the rock, ice, and electric types do more damage against flying-type Pokémon. Flying-type Pokemon are also vulnerable to attacks from electric, rock, and steel types.
It might be confusing to decide which Pokémon in Pokémon Go you should concentrate on collecting or preparing for battle because there are so many of them. Whether competing against a gym, a member of Team Rocket, or your buddies in PvP, you should be aware of each Pokémon’s strengths and weaknesses.
Flying-type Pokémon are among the most powerful and dependable allies in Pokémon Go. Since most of them are dual types, they are incredibly adaptable, and you may assemble a mighty squad of Flying-type Pokémon. Pokemon of the flying type can range greatly, from common birds like Pidgey and Pikipek to dramatic legendaries like Ho-oh and Rayquaza. But before you use them in combat, you need to be aware of their strengths and shortcomings. You may browse our list of the top flying-type Pokemon and get the ones that best fit you.