It can be beneficial to adjust your heating while you’re away. With the finest Smart thermostats, you can check your home’s temperature using your smartphone to ensure you’re not wasting energy (and money) by heating it while you’re running late for work. This is the best moment to lower your energy costs due to the skyrocketing cost of fossil fuels. The WundaSmart heating control system is relatively new to the market. Still, it’s holding its own by combining two devices in each room to precisely manage the temperature: an attractive wireless thermostat and an intelligent radiator head that changes any existing TRVs (thermostatic radiator valves) on your radiators and allows you to control each one separately from the smartphone app.
WundaSmart has the ability to control up to 50 radiators and 30 rooms. It has a valuable app that functions in every home, regardless of its size or level of development. It may function with underfloor heating as well. Additionally, the cloud does not save any data. Thus, your data is secure.
What Will You See Here?

WundaSmart installs two smart devices in each room. The WundaSmart Radiator Heads include two buttons and an indicator light on top, and they are white. Although there is no display, they detect temperature because their primary function is physically regulating radiators. A significant distinction for Wunda is the usage of a separate room thermostat elsewhere in the room. Together, both instruments provide a more precise reading of room temperature and humidity (within 0.2 C, according to Wunda).
Room thermostats and screenless thermostats are the two available types. The room thermostat, which is about the size of a single light switch, has a large-digit E-Ink display so you can read the temperature from across the room. At the bottom, humidity is shown in more miniature figures. You may adjust the temperature with buttons instead of an app. You could install a screenless thermostat in its place if you don’t want the display or controls. These are more compact and tamper-proof, making them ideal for restrooms without buttons or areas with young children where you don’t want them to adjust the temperature. They’re less fashionable than the room thermostat. Still, you can conceal them – somewhere that provides a correct temperature reading but isn’t too difficult to reach because you’ll only need to access it to change the batteries.
Heat pumps, underfloor heating, combination, and traditional boilers (with hot water control) are all compatible with WundaSmart. Because they come with robust, double-sided adhesive pads, both types of thermostats may be installed without fasteners. Wunda does not offer installation services. However, it does advise hiring a qualified installer or heating engineer.

The most straightforward WundaSmart Starter Kit comes with a thermostat with a monochrome display, an intelligent TRV for one of your radiators, and the HubSwitch that connects to your boiler. But you’ll need a lot more equipment if you choose WundaSmart instead of single-thermostat systems. To manage the temperature in individual rooms, you’ll need an intelligent Radiator Head for each radiator and one thermostat per room.
WundaSmart does not record the radiator head temperature. Instead, it combines that temperature with the one recorded by the room thermostat to get a more precise reading of the room’s temperature. There are two thermostats available to you. You can choose between the thermostat included in the Starter Kit and a screenless model.
The latter is used for measuring and does not have any buttons. It also contains connectors for an optional floor probe if you wish to measure the floor’s temperature. Both thermostats also measure the humidity. Although the software allows you to add one of two types of radiator heads to a room, only the one with buttons is available for purchase. Since there is no display, using the + or – buttons to adjust the temperature is not possible to observe. Up to 50 radiators and 30 rooms may be supported by the system, which is more than comparable systems and sufficient for most households. Additionally, some of it is intended for office usage, where those significant figures could be helpful.
Price & Availability

WundaSmart smart heating is offered in the UK, but you may purchase and use it elsewhere in Europe. The US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand don’t have it. The £199.99 Starter Kit is the very minimum you’ll need for it to function. Room thermostats are £49.95, screenless thermostats are £40, and additional radiator heads are £55.95. A 12-zone UFH wiring center (one for each manifold) is required if you have underfloor heating, and they cost £99.95.
Remember that you may buy the parts from

The best method to administer your WundaSmart system is through the app, done mainly by creating schedules. You may create detailed timetables for each room. Create a timetable for a single room for a single day; you may replicate it to additional days or more rooms, simplifying the setup.
The app also controls each area, letting you bypass the timetable and get straight to your three preferred temperatures. These may be tailored to your liking. WundaSmart also includes an ‘adaptive start’ mode that learns as it goes. While an ‘open window’ mode detects draughts and stops heating as needed. You tell the app when you want your room to be warm, and it tries to figure out when to turn on the heater over the next several days. This means more incredible warmth and less waste.

The software identifies the rooms by name and allows you to alter the temperatures with a screen tap, update the schedules, and view temperature trends for the previous week. The graphs may teach you that it takes roughly an hour for a room to warm up by one degree, so if you feel cold and want a warmer living room, you should plan. However, the ability to do so just by tapping an app is fantastic. They’re also an excellent method to ensure that the system works correctly and that the timetable still meets your needs.
WundaSmart also supports voice control via
Battery Life
Radiator heads and room thermostats each require two AA batteries, while screenless thermostats require two AAA batteries. The WundaSmart HubSwitch, which links to your boiler, is powered by the mains. Because they only need the energy to alter the content on display, E Ink displays are renowned for having extended battery lives. According to Wunda, all gadgets should have a battery life of at least two years.
Does WundaSmart have a motion sensor?
WundaSmart smart heating does not require a motion sensor because the E-Ink screen is always on, unlike other Smart Heating controllers that consume a lot of energy for their LED displays. Every time, anyone in the room can see the WundaSmart Thermostat E-Ink Screen. To conserve energy, it has a refresh rate of every 2 to 5 minutes.
Does WundaSmart rely on an internet connection?
One of its most distinctive advantages is that WundaSmart smart heating was designed to function flawlessly without the internet. The system does not require internet connectivity to operate as all of your data are stored on your device, not on the cloud. This guarantees that your system is dependable and that your data is never in danger.
Only while installing the system so you can couple it with your account will you need an internet connection. There is no more dependency on internet connectivity after this.
Does WundaSmart support GPS and GeoFencing?
WundaSmart smart heating offers greater Geo-Fencing functionality than any other solution. Like all of WundaSmart’s features, you are free to decide whether or not to utilize them.
Geo-Fencing is supported by WundaSmart for both individual users and specific rooms. The Geo-Fencing feature on WundaSmart uses a radius rather than storing current or prior locations. This makes it perfect for households with many families and people with diverse routines.
Which countries does WundaSmart work in?
WundaSmart presently operates on the European continent; you may contact them to learn more about which countries are covered.

The smart heating system WundaSmart is straightforward to install and operate. The pairing instructions, in particular, might use some work in the app, and extra care has to be used while installing the screenless thermostats to avoid knocking the batteries out of position. You can purchase it if you want zonal control with precise temperature & Schedule changes according to the day. You should avoid buying this if you want a stylish design, you’re on a tight budget, or you want deep insight into your energy usage, as they don’t provide this. Wundasmart is a little expensive, but it will be a good choice if you are buying this to save your energy usage. The company states that it can save up to 31% on your heating bill. It will be great if you’re buying this to heat a particular room at a time instead of your whole house.
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