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How to find songs that have been removed from Apple Music?

Apple Music does not save songs on its servers indefinitely. There’s a simple method to find which songs in your Apple Music library have been removed from the service. Apple Music includes a massive catalog of songs, albums, artists, and playlists. Chances are, whether it’s an old favorite or a new fave, the service offers something you’d want to listen to.

However, all content on the service is explicitly authorized to be streamed. These licenses can occasionally expire or be canceled, which means you may lose access to the music you haven’t downloaded. There is a technique to track certain songs removed from Apple Music.

Apple Music has already caused several troubles and music file loss concerns for many iOS device customers. Here, we’ll show you how to avoid losing Apple Music files, as well as how to restore deleted Apple Music tracks quickly.

Why was a song removed from Apple Music?

Here are some reasons: Some artists release tracks from an album ahead of time by artists and content providers, but not all of them. If you add the complete album to your collection, the tracks will get in the playlist as they become available. Artists and content writers may change or remove music in the Apple Music collection.

How to Keep Track of Songs Removed from Apple Music

find songs on apple music

To track tracks or albums withdrawn from Apple’s streaming service, utilize a Smart Playlist with particular restrictions.

Smart Playlists are playlists that will automatically select music that fulfills specific criteria. For example, you might make a Smart Playlist with the criterion rap music from the 1990s. Any music that fits that description will appear in the Smart Playlist.

While Smart Playlists may be only effective in certain situations, you may explore a wide range of various criterion possibilities. One of them will assist you in locating deleted Apple Music tracks.

1. Open the Music app on your Mac.

How to find songs that have been removed from Apple Music?

2. Right-click the sidebar and choose New Smart Playlist.

3. Select Cloud Status from the dropdown box on the left.

How to find songs that have been removed from Apple Music?

4. Select Is in the main dropdown box.

find songs on apple music

5. Select No Longer Available from the right dropdown box.

find songs on apple music

Any music in your Apple Music Library that exits the service will appear in the playlist based on these criteria. They will not be playable. However, you will be aware of their absence.

You may then purchase the album/song on iTunes for later listening or search Apple Music for the tune from another album.

Is Spotify or Apple Music better?

While Apple Music has superior sound quality and is ideal for individuals who are entirely immersed in the Apple environment, Spotify triumphs in terms of connection and podcasts, both have extensive collections. Yet, Apple Music’s ability to build on this through iCloud Music Library offers them an advantage.


Keep in mind that this playlist may contain false alarms at times. Modifications in track or album information might push content into the playlist even if it’s still accessible to stream. As a result, you should test streaming the tune on Apple Music before purchasing it individually on iTunes or another provider.

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