Apple ID is the main thing when you use an iPhone and is necessary to know how to Change and Manage Apple ID. Also, it is connected to everything on your device, even Your iCloud account is used to keep your data stored in Apple’s cloud storage service is also connected to your Apple ID, for instance, used to make online purchases.
What will you see here?
What is Apple ID?
It is an authentication method used by Apple for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other Apple devices. Plus, Apple IDs contain user personal information and settings. When an Apple ID is used to log in to an Apple device, the device will automatically use the settings associated with the Apple ID.
What’s the Use of Apple ID?
Keep your settings and Apple services up to date on all of your devices. Just sign in with the same Apple ID everywhere. Plus, it is used to access Apple services like the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and more. You can sign in to all Apple services with a single Apple ID and password. Also, if you no longer use the email address that’s associated with your Apple ID, you can change it. Plus, you won’t lose access to your contacts, purchases, or other account information. So one should know how to change and manage AppleID.
How To Change and Manage Apple ID from a Third-Party Email Address to an Apple Domain Address
Before making the decision to change this one must know that once you switch to an Apple domain Apple ID, you can’t switch back.
For starting if the email account you use on a daily basis is a,, or address, but your Apple ID is tied to a Google, Yahoo, or other email account that you never use anymore, its very easy to change.
Before starting the procedure one should sign out of the apple devices which are listed below. Also, to sign out on all of your devices, including your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. The list is:
- Apple Store app and the Apple online store
- FaceTime
- Find My iPhone
- iCloud
- iTunes
- iBooks Store
- App Store
- Messages
After signing out, you can change the email address associated with your Apple ID by following these simple steps.
- Go to the Setting App on your iPhone.
- Select your Apple ID Banner.
- Tap Name, Phone no., Email.

- Next to reachable at….tap Edit.
- Tap the Delete button next to your current Apple ID.

- Select Continue.
- Enter the new email address you want to associate with your Apple ID.
- Select Next.
- Tap Confirm.
Manually you need to sign back in to all of the services that use your Apple ID, once changed.
Change and Manage AppleID Contact info on iPhone and iPad
You can easily change your personal information right from your iPhone and iPad.
- Go to Settings App from your home screen.
- Select your Apple ID banner at the top.
- To change the photo tap on your Apple ID picture, you can take photo or chose one from your library.

- After that, tap Name, Phone Numbers, Email.
- Only change your Apple ID phone number if it is no longer being used for iMessages and FaceTime rest you can change your Apple ID nickname, email address, phone number, or birthdate.

Moreover, you can also change your email address just Tap Edit next to “Reachable At,” then remove an email address or phone number you don’t want to be used with your iCloud account or Apple ID.
How to Change and Manage AppleID Password on iPhone and iPad
Changing password on regular basis is a good habit as it will keep your phone data safe and secure. Most importantly, it can be done right through your phone and you don’t need to visit every time.
- Go to Settings App on your home screen.
- After that select your Apple ID Banner.

- Select Password and Security.
- After that tap Change Password to change your password.
- Next to “Trusted Phone Number” tap Edit to change or add a new phone number to send your verification code to for two-factor authentication.

Also, be sure to note it down when you change your password. Most importantly, you’ll have to update this across all your devices that you are signed in to your Apple ID with.
Change The Security Questions For your Apple ID
For starting, if you have two-factor authentication (not two-step verification) set up, you won’t see the option to create or change security questions.
If, for any reason, you think your security questions aren’t safe enough, you can change them at
- Using a web browser navigate to
- Enter your Apple ID and Password.
- After that next to the password field click the arrow.
- Under Security Questions in the Security section click on Change Questions.

- Click Security Question 1, 2, or 3 to change the question.
- Enter the answer for each question into the answer field.
- After that when you are done click Continue.

Remeber these answers well as you’ll need them to sign in to your Apple ID on a new device.
How to change shipping and payment info for your iCloud account and Apple ID on iPhone and iPad
If ever you decide to get a new card you’ll need to change this info for apple ID so you can make online and iTunes purchases.
- Go to the Settings App on your iPhone or iPad.
- Select your Apple ID Banner.

- Tap Payment and Shipping.
- After that select your credit card under Payment Method to change the registered information.
- Tap your address under Shipping Address to change the registered shipping information.

Moreover, this new payment and shipping information will be used for all Apple Pay purchases, as well as iTunes and App Store purchases.
To sum up, everyone wants their personal information to be updated on a regular base and to do it in apple ID one should know how to change and manage Apple ID. There are many things that can be done or updated in apple ID. Firstly, You can update your username, password, and payment information in one place. Secondly, if you can’t remember your Apple ID password, you can reset it and regain access to your account. Similarly, it’s the basic thing required when you are an iPhone user. If you don’t have an Apple ID check our article on how to create an AppleID.
Have you ever tried change or manage Apple ID? tell us in the comments how did it go. We share articles on new applications and features that will help you figure out your gadget in a better way. Also, subscribe to our site for getting notifications on what we post.